3. API Documentation

Endpoint: Check API Status


  • URL:
  • Method:


  • Body (JSON):
Field Name Type Description
status string The status of the request (e.g., success or failure).
message string A message providing additional details about the response.
data array Reserved for additional data; currently empty.

Example Response
    "status": "success",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": []

Endpoint: Retrieve Supported Languages


  • URL:
  • Method:


  • Body (JSON):
Field Name Type Description
status string The status of the request (e.g., success or failure).
message string A message providing additional details about the response.
data array An array of supported languages. Each language contains:
Language Data
language_id string Unique identifier for the language.
title string Name of the language in English.
title_native string Name of the language in its native script.
code2 string ISO 639-1 two-letter language code.
code3 string ISO 639-2 three-letter language code.
flag string Country code for the language's flag.

Example Response
    "status": "success",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": [
            "language_id": "703",
            "title": "English",
            "title_native": "English",
            "code2": "en",
            "code3": "eng",
            "flag": "us"
            "language_id": "704",
            "title": "Afrikaans",
            "title_native": "Afrikaans",
            "code2": "af",
            "code3": "afr",
            "flag": "za"

Endpoint: Check if Language Pair is Supported


  • URL:
  • Method:

  • Headers:

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
  • Body (JSON):
Field Name Type Description
api_key string Your public API key for authentication.
languageFrom string ISO 639-1 code for the source language.
languageTo string ISO 639-1 code for the target language.
Example Request
    "languageFrom": "en",
    "languageTo": "es"
        "api_key": "pub_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",


  • Body (JSON):
Field Name Type Description
status string The status of the request (e.g., success or failure).
message string A message providing additional details about the response.
data object Contains the is_supported field indicating support status.
is_supported boolean Whether the specified language pair is supported.
Example Response
    "status": "success",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "is_supported": true

Endpoint: Translate Website Content


  • URL:
  • Method:

  • Headers:

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
  • Body (JSON):
Field Name Type Description
referrer string URL of the website initiating the translation request.
target_language string Language code for the target translation (e.g., es for Spanish).
segments array Array of text segments to translate. Each segment is a string.
api_key string Your public API key for authentication.
Example Request
    "referrer": "https://example.com/",
    "target_language": "es",
    "segments": [
        "I have been studying Spanish for several months, and I am starting to feel more confident.",
        "The weather is perfect today, and we are planning to go for a walk in the park.",
        "I really enjoy visiting new places and trying different foods whenever I travel."
    "api_key": "pub_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",


  • Body (JSON):
Field Name Type Description
status string Response status (e.g., success or failure).
message string Details of the request status (e.g., OK for successful requests).
data array Array of text segments to translate. Each segment is a string.
api_key string Array of translation results. Each result contains source_text and translate_text.
Example Response
    "status": "success",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": [
            "I have been studying Spanish for several months, and I am starting to feel more confident.",
            "translate_text": "Llevo varios meses estudiando español y empiezo a sentirme más segura."
            "source_text": "The weather is perfect today, and we are planning to go for a walk in the park.",
            "translate_text": "Hoy hace un tiempo perfecto y vamos a dar un paseo por el parque."
            "source_text": "I really enjoy visiting new places and trying different foods whenever I travel.",
            "translate_text": "Siempre que viajo me gusta visitar sitios nuevos y probar comidas diferentes."

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This page was last edited on 2024-12-23 19:45

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